Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Next Step

Will be building a voice that is reflective of our Community. We as a County have options open to us that encourage dialogue that is constructive. Most of what is posted on the blogs for our area seem to be voices for the left and right that sets up inherent opposing and unproductive thoughts and ideas, and a lot of unspeakable rants. We can do better. Our Humboldt Community is rich with folks who have the education, resources, and personal integrity to make a difference. Lets hear from those of you that have new and visionary ideas of how we can develop solutions for the issues that face our Citizens. We do not have to accept the entrenched ideologies, candidates, and divisive self serving dialogue that has defined this past election process. WE CAN DO BETTER!


Anonymous said...

the next step is done........Jeff won!

Anonymous said...

Can our elections make a difference? It seems that the status quo rules in D.C no matter what party is in control of Congress. I am begining to think that this elete club is laughing at all of us behind our backs, they are feeling no pain.