Saturday, December 16, 2006

Culture Wars...

Our opponents in Iraq and in the middle east in the War on Terror are from a Culture thousands of years old. Our leaders are from a Culture several hundred years old. There in lies the problem. I heard from one of them on T.V. the other day say that "we don't need to understand our enemy, we just need to be good leaders." This was the assessment from the FBI.

Horse Warriors. We indeed need to understand them for they will fight to the last man to rid their lands of our occupation. So many profound differences. In religion, in family hierarchies, in the way they govern of their lands. If they came to America and tried to impose their values upon us what would we do?

We tell the world that a "democratic form of leadership" is what we want to install in the Middle East. What our leaders haven't told the world is why...the reasons we have heard keep changing. What is the real reason we have set this course of action, and why hasn't Congress had an open and honest debate on this issue?


Anonymous said...

so today on Hardball one of the speakers told the college kids that maybe trying to change a two thousand year old culture was not a good idea....

Anonymous said...

Now they say "a surge" might turn the tide. Of this course which has turned into a wrongly traveled one, we might be able to surmise that a "surge" could have the uninteded consequence of an equal, responsive backlash...